

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

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How Much Is My Case Worth?

When evaluating the likely worth of a mesothelioma or asbestos exposure case, many different aspects will factor in – and each will be unique to your circumstances. A thoughtful case evaluation will take into account your specific illness, how you were exposed to asbestos and much more. Because Bergman Draper Ladenburg Hart handles more mesothelioma cases than any other law firm in the Pacific Northwest, we have the experience and resources to fight for the best outcome for your case.
Case valuation is complex and will require access to your diagnostic and treatment records and employment history. Your medical records are critical in your case valuation because the type of mesothelioma you’ve been diagnosed with will be part of the calculation. The stage you are at when diagnosed is also important, as is your prognosis.
Your work history is critical so that we can pinpoint which job site (or sites) were the most likely source of your asbestos exposure and resulting illness. The status of the corporation that is legally liable for your asbestos exposure will also be a value determiner. If the corporation is in bankruptcy, that’s something theBergman Draper Ladenburg Hart team is adept at overcoming.
Other factors that can impact your mesothelioma case value include your age, whether you were exposed first-hand or second-hand and whether you were exposed while serving in the Armed Forces. Also of concern are the costs of your past and future medical care related to your disease, your pain and suffering and any other monetary impact you’ll incur as a result of your illness.

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