

Friday, 14 March 2014

education pakistan free uk education

The first function of the mind is to synthesize the sensorial impressions so that the individual may acquire an intelligent experience of the so-called. outer world. In this regard. the mind can be considered. as a sixth sense, a common sense, that coordinates and interprets the messages transmitted by the other five.
The second function is to collect information, to render the fruits of the experience of humanity one's own, and thus to avail oneself of the cultural inheritance of the past. This goal is reached through study, and the imparting of this kind of knowledge was the principal task of the teachers of the past.
The third., and higher type of mental activity is that which elaborates the material gathered during the preceding phases, coordinates it, draws conclusions and applies them; this may be called. to think or to reflect.
The fourth function of the mind is to be receptive to intuitions, to understand and interpret them with accuracy, and then to formulate them with precision.
The fifth is the creative function. The dynamic and creative power of thought discovered recently -- (it would be more exact to say "rediscovered") is being more and more acknowledged and put to use, but it is being used. especially for the attainment of personal goals (the achievement of wealth success etc.). One of the tasks of the new education will be to train the individual in the use of techniques. that harness this power for constructive goals and for the service of humanity.

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